A land grab threatens to destroy the waning dynasty
When the great Lawson cattle station lacks an heir, rival groups in Australia see an opportunity to take control. The series was filmed across the Northern Territory and South Australia in locations barely inhabited, let alone shown on screen. Locations include the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Kakadu National Park (with special permission from the traditional owners) and Tipperary Station, a real working cattle station so big it has its own airfield and school.
39;s Yellowstone, located in the rugged outback of northern Australia!
And if that sounds both fun and a little over the top, it is. I’m only a few episodes in, but it’s already hitting all the marks. Raging bulls?
Rampant killers dingo (?!) You betcha
Yes. Bar fights? Mark it.
;s hero of Yellowstone
The cheesiness is kept up by some nice performances, especially from the ever-reliable Anna Torva and the wonderful Robert Taylor, who plays here a flabbier, meaner, meaner version of Kevin Costner. However, the best character is the scenery, which is as stunning as you’d expect. I can’t wait to finish this one!