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What Are Workflow Management Rules?

Cyber Global
August 4, 2024

Workflow management rules are the set of processes and policies that regulate how a workflow is completed. They specify which steps should be completed and when they should be taken, allowing the process to follow the most efficient route until it is completed. When a business automates its most routine and predictable tasks by using a structured workflow, it allows employees to focus on strategic goals.

Workflows can be found in a variety of formats to meet the needs of every project. For example an orderly workflow is one where the next step cannot start until the prior task is completed. This is a typical workflow in expense management, where employees’ reimbursement requires receipts and authorization to pay.

A state-machine workflow consists of a series of actions performed on a product in a certain order, with each action shifting the work product into different allowed states such as “being written” or “completed”. State-machine workflows can also include additional rules such as if this-then-that conditional logic, which determines the workflow’s route.

Additionally, parallel workflows include many steps that can be undertaken simultaneously toward a final goal, such as sending a sweater to a customer after the company confirms it’s in stock. All of these can be automated by a workflow program.

It’s simple to use the appropriate workflow management software to create and manage a well-structured process to improve efficiency, accountability and productivity. By streamlining communication and ensuring that all team members are aware of their responsibilities and roles and have a clear map of their responsibilities, managers can eliminate the confusion that leads to deadlines and projects being missed.

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